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Free diver dies while doinig ice diving record
myscubastory - 3/11/2011 3:12 PM
Category: General
Replies: 3

Well sadly, I have just seen this one in our local dive news letter:

A 42 yr old diver died after he performed the world record for diving without oxygen under the ice. It happened at Davos in Switzerland.

The man was no longer up to breathe. Another scuba diver, (with an oxygen tank) found him unconscious under the ice. The man was brought to the surface, but died Sunday in a hospital.

The police in Davos then announced the news.

For information, the current world record is held by the German Nik Linder. He swam 108 meters under the ice
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/13/2011 4:33 PM

From myscubastory: Well sadly, I have just seen this one in our local dive news letter:

A 42 yr old diver died after he performed the world record for diving without oxygen under the ice. It happened at Davos in Switzerland.

The man was no longer up to breathe. Another scuba diver, (with an oxygen tank) found him unconscious under the ice. The man was brought to the surface, but died Sunday in a hospital.

The police in Davos then announced the news.

For information, the current world record is held by the German Nik Linder. He swam 108 meters under the ice

Sorry for their lose but not having oxygen in your lungs is never a good thing and I assume the diver with the oxygen tank was the safety diver and not someone diving on 100% o2 or maybe it’s just a case of bad reporting.
myscubastory - 3/15/2011 1:49 AM
Yes, as they have safety divers in Freediving, that diver was most likely that. But as you said, i made a misktake, that person was diving on air of course! not O2!
LatitudeAdjustment - 3/17/2011 12:04 PM

From myscubastory: Yes, as they have safety divers in Freediving, that diver was most likely that. But as you said, i made a misktake, that person was diving on air of course! not O2!

I figured it was a media mistake about the o2 and you had just done a cut and paste, I didn’t think it was your mistake.

I’ve been a safety diver in cold water, not a fun job just hanging there!