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North Carolina Dive Buddies!
Matt65 - 5/21/2010 7:34 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Howdy all!!

 Yesterday I made an offer on a house in Aurora, NC! I don’t see any reason why the bank won’t accept my offer, so I’ll be making the move from Nevada to North Carolina really soon! Which means of course I will need to meet up with some new local dive buddies! I just can’t wait! I’m so excited to make this move! It’s hard to be a diver in the middle of the Nevada desert, so a move to North Carolina seemed to be a good thing. I earnestly hope to meet some new NC dive buddies, and of course do some diving!!!! Take care and dive safe everyone!!!
Rich-D-Fish - 5/21/2010 10:58 PM
Hey Matt. I think you need to take a quick road trip down here to So Cal before it’s too late and you’re gone! C’mon buddy!
UWnewbee - 5/22/2010 12:13 AM
Matt,, congrats and good luck! I know the feeling,, Ive been here in Las Cruces NM for 3 months,, ya its nice but Wheres the water??? Especially since im from the northeast,, and we have a thing they call a Ocean!! Hell I might even jump in roll in it stick my face in it and even take a sip to see if its the same as it used to be!
Matt65 - 5/22/2010 8:07 AM
Thanks! I’m gonna need all the good wishes and help I can get!
obxdiving - 5/23/2010 7:13 PM
Hey Matt if you like wreck diving your going to lovvvvvvvvve NC Four words say it all ...... Graveyard of the Atlantic........ Just had a great weekend of diving The Morgan was amazing 106 ft oh and the lobster are yummy.