Bob01 - 7/10/2009 3:04 PM 
There’s not much in the way of diving in New Orleans. Maybe one of the dive shops will have a spear fishing trip out to the rigs that weekend but you’ll just have to call around to find one. Sea Urchins in Hattiesburg, Ms was taking his boat out to the Ms. rigs last year out of Gulfport so you may want to try him. It’s not that far from the Big Easy. I know this is not much help but if I hear of anything, I’ll let you know. Bob
Someone suggested we go to ship island. I googled it and it looks like a fun place to snorkle and hang out at the beach even though it is probably atleast an hour from there. I’m going to N.O. to hang out with my non diving friend and enjoy some good food, but sure would be nice to meet fellow divers log some dive time too!
Bob01 - 7/10/2009 5:42 PM 
I’ve only been to Ship Island one time and that was a long time ago. I think that the vis was better than on the coast but not sure. One thing that I do remember, is to take a ice chest and something for shad with you. The sea oats are the tallest thing one the island. Merrie, our coast is very shallow and we have three major rivers dumping into it within our borders so the water stays dirty. Great for fishing but not so good for divers. There are some dive shops in Biloxi so try them and see if they have a boat going out. If I can help, let me know.
Give Harry’s Dive Shop a call. They’ve been in N.O. since the 60’s. Very knowledgable, professional, and just downright nice too.
Awsome! I will call them tomorrow.
I’m free the 15 thru 29 of this month. I was planning on going to Gulf Shores but I’ll dive anywhere there’s water. Let me know.
Great. I meant to call Harry’s Dive Shop today, but I apparently waited to late in the evening to call. I’m still looking on the net for some place to go within driving distance of there. The last time I was in N.O. I had a nasty cold and didn’t get to enjoy the Cajun cuisine. If you find someplace around the area you think would be good to dive, please do let me know. If I had more time, Gulf Shores sounds good
My daughter lives in Bush, LA.and when we dive around there I get a hold of Seal Sports in Mandevilla, LA. 1-888-91 SCUBA
Yeah!! I have a second place to check into. My chances to dive are improving!
Hey. I dont thnk I’d snorkel Ship Island. It’s fun to visit, but the water is murky,and recently there have been many bull sharks taken within yards of shore. Nothing to see in the water anyway.
Two food tips: Mike Anderson’s on Bourbon St. for awsome seafood and the Acme Oyster House on Iberville and Royal for great fried oyster/shrimp poboys.
It’s been many years since I was out on Ship Island but back then it was no place to scuba or snorkel. If things haven’t changed, it was hot as h_ _ _ with no shade. Once out there, your’re stuck until the next boat arrives to take you back to the mainland.
Thanks for the resturant tips! Its looking more and more like a nondiving weekend. Thats o.k. thought, this is my first time to visit outside of Mardi Gras so its my first time to get to actually enjoy the food. I don’t think my friend really knows the place well either. She is just contracting there for a few weeks.
Shrek - 7/15/2009 5:55 PM 
You’ll be too tanked to dive, LOL!!!
Shrek - 7/15/2009 6:00 PM 
Hey give me a hollar and if you want to go out to the islands, I can take you out there on my boat. Beaches are nice, but hot. Ship Island or Horn, they are both within "SIGHT" of land. Shouldn’t need your sea legs, :) Only about a 9 to 10 mile run. Just chip in for the gas. I can drop you off and I’ll go fishing, LOL!!! It’s in cell phone range too.............
Lake Ponchatrain is diveable provided you don’t expect too much. Visibility can reach 8 to 10 feet after several days of calm wind and no heavy rains. Usually late summer is the best time. Somtimes you have to try several locations. I have seen visibility go from 1 foot to 8 feet in a distance of a few miles. There has been reef building projects in the lake that are starting to produce. Water quality is good and does not present any health hazards except in some locations after heavy rains and generally clears up after a few days. One good thing is the deepest it gets is 30 feet with an average depth of 12 feet so bottom time is no problem. Below is the link to the Lake Ponchatrain Basin Foundation.
I was plaining to make this dive this weekend,, providing the weather permits,if your interested plz shoot me a email with contact info, and we’ll see what happens,