GreggS - 2/01/2022 4:19 PM
Probably the best dive suitable for your daughter’s level of training would be the Charleston Tug out of Little River, SC. Coastal Scuba in North Myrtle Beach would be who you would charter with. It sits in 60 feet of water and is a very nice old tug to dive. There are also several armored personnel carriers close by with a rope leading to them from the bow of the tug along the sand. There is a good amount of sea life around the tug. It would be a 2 tank dive.

One thing you would need to keep in mind is to try to schedule to dive it when the tide is in-coming. I’ve dived it twice and believe me, you want an inbound tide. The first time I dove it was on an inbound tide and we had at least 50 feet of visibility. The second time was on an out-going tide and the visibility was maybe 10 feet down to the upper deck of the boat and then dropped to 2 feet once you dropped below that level. It so clsoe in that an outbound tide pulls all the sand and muck out to sea. And this is true of practically any inshore dive you would do.