Agojo - 2/08/2015 3:34 AM
Read this, won’t be able to get a hydro.

Dear Customers,
This is very time sensitive, so please act quickly! This is regarding HYDROS for PST STEEL TANKS ONLY! The company, Pressed Steels, has gone out of business and therefore, there is no application on fill with the Department of Transportation to renew the hydro permits that are needed for these particular tanks. Please be aware, Ocean Enterprises has NEVER sold this type of steel tank. If you’ve purchased any steel tank from Ocean Enterprises, there is nothing to worry about! If you have purchased an PST steel tank from another location, YOU MUST BRING IN YOUR TANK TO OCEAN ENTERPRISES BEFORE TUESDAY, JAN. 27TH IN ORDER TO RECEIVE YOUR LAST HYDRO. This will allow you to at least use your tank for another 5 years. If you DO NOT bring in your tank before this date, you will NOT be able to get it hydro’d again. This is the LAST TIME these tanks can be hydro’d.

To know if you have a PST steel tank, please look for the following information that will be stamped on the neck of the tank...
1. It will be marked with E9791 or SP9791
2. It will say PST
3. The working pressure will be either 3442 or 3500
4. The tank will be gray, black, blue, or yellow

If you have any questions, please contact Brett in our Service Department. (858)565-6054