LatitudeAdjustment - 9/18/2014 4:43 AM
Right now we have plans for an evening dive in Belmar on Monday the 22nd. High tide is 6:55pm at the inlet although that dive may be moved to L Street.

Monday the 29th at L Street high tide would be around 11:29am which puts the sun overhead for the best light.

The tropical fish hang around until early November although by then you’ll need a 7 mil, a warm shower and PolarTec when you come out.

PM me and I’ll include you in the emails on our plans.

Also if you page down the forum there is a visiting pilot looking to dive around NYC and there are always divers looking for buddies up at Dutch but we are at the ocean and Dutch is a three hour drive.

There are group dives out at the bridge on Long Island, OceanFloor could put you in touch with the shop. I dove with them once.

There are clubs in the city, my favorite is oceanbluedivers.com/ which meets in the city but is tied to a shop in Conn. and they do local diving.