Great dives today (probably the last for the year
tstormdiver - 11/09/2014 6:55 PM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Went on 2 rebreather dives with a buddy at the local quarry on our Hollis Prism2’s. The water was about 60 degrees & in general very clear with an average of about 50 ft vis. My buddy & I did a dive to 47 ft for 65 minutes. Our second dive we swam the perimeter of the quarry at about 30 ft for 75 minutes. The rebreathers did beautifully! They were both good dives until 20 min into dive #2, my drysuit developed a leak in the right knee. I was quite wet & quite cold at the end of the dive.
Eric_R - 11/10/2014 8:46 AM
How do you like those re-breathers?
tstormdiver - 11/10/2014 9:40 AM
The Prism2 is a very nice rebreather. Work of breathing is very easy, the controls are easy to read. It can he used in a manual mode with automatic backup or fully automatic. It has a 4 hr scrubber on it. it travels well. It is not the most compact, longest lasting nor the most complex rebreather out there, but for the price, it isn’t bad.