Dive Shop Points Programs - do they make sense?
Gaucho223 - 9/19/2014 7:54 PM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Do they work? Are there exemplars to be found? Why should someone pay a for-profit business money to save money? Just curious on thoughts.
Eric_R - 9/20/2014 4:26 AM
Points programs only work for the consumer and the shop if the consumer buys at the same location. Points programs do reward the consumer that frequents a shop and helps a shop retain customers, but it takes more then a points program to get my expendable income. If it’s money I’m going to spend no matter what, I’m going to look for the best deal first and service second. A points program may break a tie but only if I see myself purchasing from that shop again.
MDW - 2/08/2015 7:23 PM
I think they make about as much (little) sense as airline or hotel points programs. They just drive up the cost of each purchase until the point where the customer has enough of these points to get something back and hopefully break even on the extra money they spent over time.