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AngelFish63 - 2/01/2014 8:34 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 4

Alright I need some info. I am looking into my first liveaboard and don’t want to spend a fortune. Anyone have any suggestions and reviews on which one I should look into?
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/02/2014 3:50 PM
It would help to know where you want to dive!

For the Florida Key’s, Dry Tortugas I would use cheaper than a dayboat, meals and hotel in the Key’s plus more diving. Not a luxury boat, this is bunkbeds, for more privacy get all of the women to take over one of the rooms.

Blackbeards is a sailboat with bunkbeds, think camping at sea but this is the cheapest way to see the Bahamas

Then you go up in price but get a room and head of your own :) Aggressor/Dancer run good boats for the most part. If you do go on them don’t mention the Belize thing, the crew isn’t allowed to talk about it.

For the west coast there is going from Canada to Mexico

The Nai’a in Fiji is the best I’ve been on but also the most expensive per day.
downunder1957 - 5/09/2014 3:40 AM
Dear Tami,I dive with Abyss, Padi "Worlds best dive shop" winner 2011.Sydney Australia there in Ramsgate nice little family run shop but worlds best and have multiple awards to back up my reccomendation.Check out there website just google abyss.They do a lot of dive travel just been to the maldives with Siren fleet and this was so successful that abyss has booked several more trips in the asia pacific region so if your looking at diving anywhere in or near Australia look them up if only for the right advice.
regards peter b
B4UDive - 6/02/2014 1:44 PM
We have space left on the Kona Aggressor for July 5th to 12th, 2014 on the Big Island of Hawaii (gotta see the manta rays!) We are offering a last minute package discount, so call 800 621 8942 if you are interested and ask for Tanna to get your "last minute" rate. If you would like to view some past videos from our Kona Aggressor trips check out this link:
cowboydiving - 6/15/2014 4:10 PM
I heard that the black beard was great they have two other ships as well I’m not one to spend all the extra money when they dive all the same places that’s what I’m there for but if luxury is what you like the other two will be just as great, enjoy your dive hope to here about it ,
