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Pyramid found or hoax?
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/01/2014 7:23 AM
Category: General
Replies: 8

full story

Portuguese news reported the discovery of a very large under water pyramid first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azores of Portugal. According to claims, the structure is said to be perfectly squared and oriented by the cardinal points. Current estimates obtained using GPS digital technology put the height at 60 meters with a base of 8000 square meters. The Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy currently has the job of analyzing the data to determine whether or not the structure is man-made. - See more at:

Maybe it’s a bad translation or bad reporting but how would GPS determine the height of something underwater?
OUBobcat - 2/01/2014 7:38 AM
I think its more or less just like a piece of surveying equipment. We use them in the field all the time and they will tell you elevation, northing and easting coordinates. I always refer to it as the hand held GPS when I need to use it.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/01/2014 4:31 PM
From OUBobcat: I think its more or less just like a piece of surveying equipment. We use them in the field all the time and they will tell you elevation, northing and easting coordinates. I always refer to it as the hand held GPS when I need to use it.

Those I know about but they don’t work underwater.
Dutch - 2/01/2014 5:30 PM
The Portuguese navy does not know anything about this. hoax. Someone wanting publicity.
oceanfloor - 2/02/2014 2:58 PM
Typical government denial :)
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/02/2014 3:28 PM
From Dutch: The Portuguese navy does not know anything about this. hoax. Someone wanting publicity.

That’s what I’m thinking, the map looked more Photoshop than a sonar printout and NOAA has mapped that area but then like OceanFloor said, government cover up :) I still have people asking me where we keep the Stargate.
Eric_R - 2/02/2014 5:26 PM
This is still more accurate then the news I see here in the US.LOL
Dutch - 2/03/2014 5:27 AM
It is a hoax. The area around the Azores has been mapped and geo-studied for a long time. The difference in qualities of sonar is real. The governments don’t have an interest in a cover up here. They will be saving that for other more important stuff.
rashley - 2/11/2014 11:13 PM
From LatitudeAdjustment: I still have people asking me where we keep the Stargate.

So, where DO you keep the stargate. :>)