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Bayville Barge and Submarine Dive part II
scubabum - 2/03/2008 11:18 AM
Category: General
Replies: 5

Hi Folks, I would like to thank everyone for coming out to the beach yesterday on such a bitter morning, it is great to see that the spirit of Long Island diving is alive and well. We had 10 dedicated divers on the beach at 7 am, and another 4 had called me by 5:30 am to let me know that they were not going to make it due to the weather conditions. My thanks to everyone! Special recognition goes to Doug Haman who came all the way in from Shirley. Unfortunately the weather was not as cooperative as we could have hoped. The torrential rains and gale force winds of the night before predictably turned what should have been excellent(although cold!) visibility into a brown murk. That, combined with the whitecaps the were forming on the water as we enjoyed our coffee and donuts(thanks LIDA!) convinced all attending that while the site was certainly divable, we would prefer to wait for conditions that were a bit more favorable. We hung on the beach for over an hour, discussing the site and it`s history and planning our future dive there. All were in agreement that we should make another attempt as soon as feasible. According to my calculations next Saturday, February 9th looks particularly good, at least as far as the tide is concerned. High tide will be at 12:30 in the afternoon. The initial plan would call for a noon entry. All in favor please get in touch and I will let you know what the response is. Again, thanks to everyone for getting up early on a cold, windy Saturday morning, I am genuinely impressed by your dedication. Hopefully next weekend the weather will be a bit more cooperative. Talk to you soon..........Bill
TColJeep - 2/03/2008 10:31 PM
Hey Bill, I`ll be there, hoping Mother Nature decides to give us a break. I`ve sent out some e-mails and waiting to hear from a few friends. It would be great to get another turn-out like last weekend. See you there, Todd
GypsyDiver - 2/03/2008 10:56 PM
I will see if I can get somebody interested in making the trip. I would love to take a look. It is just a long drive by myself.
JeffQCScuba - 2/04/2008 9:28 AM
Lets not forget the divers who were geared up and ready for the 9am dive! Some of us DID enjoy the 32 degree water and 1-2` of vis! It was enough fun to do it again..... Just make sure to leave the refreshments for those that show up after 8:15am :-) -- J
scubabum - 2/04/2008 9:49 AM
Absolutely! If I had known that others were going to show up later I would have hung around. Other than yourself, everyone on my dive roster was accounted for. I`m glad that you guys got in and had fun, that`s what it`s all about.......Bill
FuzzieDives - 7/05/2008 3:04 PM
Hey Bill, please let me know the next time your going to bayville, it’s been on my list of sites to get too.
