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Looking for a Dive Bud in GA
bpsf1 - 5/31/2013 2:25 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Just looking for a bud in the Middle Georgia area. Can dive pretty frequently.
tardmaster - 6/03/2013 1:13 PM
GeorgiaGirl - 6/10/2013 9:58 AM
I’m in Northeast Ga. If you ever come this way, we have Lake Keowee and Lake Jocassee that we can dive! The Hot Hole at Lake Keowee is really fun if you’ve never been.
bpsf1 - 6/12/2013 5:30 PM
Tardmaster , thanks....I’ve just joined the club
diverboss84 - 7/19/2013 5:47 PM
I am located in Atlanta and make regular trips to Lake Lanier and Alabama. I am also in the dive club. Lemme know if you ever wanna try to link up and make some dives!