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Dive Master / IDC Internship in South Florida
Mgarcia117 - 4/03/2013 2:39 PM
Category: Training
Replies: 2

Hey Guys,

I just got my rescue certification through NAUI, and am looking to become a dive master. Does anyone know of any internship programs in south Florida? I’ve only been able to find one so far that doesn’t charge anything, in exchange for slave labor aboard their charter, which is exactly what I’m looking for, but I would like some options.

Thanks for the help!
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/04/2013 5:43 AM
Another reason to miss Nekton, at least while doing slave labor aboard their liveaboards you got fed, a bed, about half the dives and a share of the tips :)
shadowhawk3824 - 4/10/2013 3:36 PM
bob’s braymans internation diving career instute at halls... 5050 over seas hwy; marathon fl,33050.