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Lion Fish in Destin, Fl
SaintsReturn - 11/14/2011 11:51 AM
Replies: 1

As much as it pains me to say this, i dropped the ball on Saturday. We went diving on the Miss Louise and had a pretty enjoyable dive! Towards the end of the bottom time, i saw a fish that was black but looked familiar. I took a picture and decided not to kill it in case i was wrong. Once i got home and cleaned the picture up a bit, it was confirmed to be a Black Lion Fish.

Now i am beyond annoyed that i did not kill it, but beware NWF Divers that we have these in the area and if you have the means to do so safely, lets try to stop this now before there everywhere.....

LatitudeAdjustment - 11/14/2011 8:03 PM
Well all of the Lionfish in the Atlantic can be traced by DNA back to the 4 that escaped in Miami. Either this black one is something new or one of those 4 has a dark family secret.