You should also try contacting DAN. They always have great information on all things diving and health related.
Also, contact the dive operators ahead of time to make sure that they would be willing to accomodate a diabetic. It’s usually up to the instructor or dive master whether they want to take on divers with certain health conditions.
Hope this helps. Good luck.
Go on the DAN website.They have a online coarse to help you with diabetes and diving.You can dive you just need to make sure your sugar does not drop too low do to the medication your on.Some dive operators may give you a hard time so be prepared for that.
There was a duplicate posting of this forum topic and I deleted one however, there was a response that I wanted to make sure you received.
I know a few divers who are diabetic and they appear to have no difficulties, as long as they closely monitor their blood sugar levels and their activity. A good place to start learning more about diving & diabeties would be Divers Alert Network (DAN). I know thay have done a study or two on the subject. You can visit their website at http://diversalertnetwork.org/
Hi Becky, I did get some good info from DAN as others suggested. I was looking for some first hand experiences but nothing yet. But what I got was good. I posted twice in different categories to see if I might get more responses but it’s not a problem that there is only one.
Thanks, Mike
Send me your email address. I am CEO of an Endocrinology practice. We have an article that specifically talks about diving and Diabetes. Don’t fret just yet! I’ll scan the article and send it to you.