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Pressure release valves
TomH - 7/09/2010 9:55 AM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 1


I am still looking into torches and was wondering if any one can explain the need for a saftey pressure release valve. They are present on some Bersubs and FaMi torches but not on others. For example the Cathex Euphos doesn’t have one but it is a sealed unit. Is it a sign that the torch is more likely to leak or produce battery gas? I was just wondering if it was a real advantage or potentially a weak spot.

If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. 

Happy Diving, I hope you are all getting the good weather like in the UK.

LatitudeAdjustment - 7/09/2010 10:31 AM
 Never seen one on a light but many years ago Farrallon DPV’s (Now Oceanic) had a head light on the bow and if the owner didn’t dry out the iron disc that absorbed the battery gas a spark would blow out the head light and the DPV would sink. I think the lawsuits over that one is what sunk Farrallon!