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Okinawa Diving
impilcature - 11/21/2009 7:40 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 4

Hello All. I have been living in Okinawa now for a few months and wanted to find some fellow divers with a little more experience than me. I am about to complete my AOW and want to move on to Rescue and Master. I am interested in a serious diver to practice underwater skills and to review the basics. If you are starting a track to become a Masterdiver or Instructor in the Okinawa Area please contact me if you would like a serious partner to undertake the challenge with you.

I have all my own dive gear including two tanks. I would like to purchase a lift bag and some dive markers so we can dive in new places.
UWnewbee - 11/23/2009 4:37 PM
Go to search, Japan, You can also do a more refined search and put in Okinawa, I had 23 members pop up under just the general country search, send em a messege and Dive away, hope this helps! Semper Fi!
Lawrence - 11/23/2009 11:15 PM
I lived in oki from 03-09 and know a ton of divers. I no longer live in oki sucks. But if you need buddies let me know, I have some friends
impilcature - 11/25/2009 6:10 AM
I called a couple of times. We are doing a night dive on friday night if you are interested. shoot me a message on here or PM me.
