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East Asia/Australia Diving Suggestions
h2ofria - 10/07/2009 1:15 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 5

My wife and I are traveling to China in the late spring of 2010. On the way back we (I) want to travel to someplace that has good diving. My wife does not dive so the locations should be more than just a diver’s resport. Anywhere in East Asia, Austalia including Japan are on the table. 

Anybody have some suggestions?
RickCavanaugh - 10/07/2009 6:21 PM
many places in the philippines are great. Cheap too

Gangga Island in Indonesia is more upscale, can do day trips to Bunaken to Lembeh there

Too many places too little time.
Flapydog - 10/08/2009 1:45 AM
Late spring it meant start of winter on this site of the globe. More say is wet season in tropic.
Good diving and cheep are Indonesia and your wife can spend good time on spa treatments.
Second options are Queensland Australia but weather are unpredictable over this time of the Year.
oceanfloor - 10/08/2009 5:15 AM
I would hit New Zealand. I’ve seen pictures and heard there is some pretty cool diving there!!
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/08/2009 8:21 AM
Bali has interesting dives for you and plenty of sight seeing for her.
tjbrowndiver - 10/11/2009 11:30 PM
Phuket is a place that has some good dives at that time of year. Phi Phi island is good for relaxing. The better diving there is the Similans but it closes out in May. Late spring is tough because it is when the rainy season starts or ends depending on which hemisphere you are in. Same thing with late fall. I moved my Bali trip next month up one week because of this; my original holiday destination was going to be Koh Lanta in Thailand. I will be on Bali on 9 November, because it is Southern hemisphere and the start of the rainy season I moved it a week forward. Had I been going to Thailand I would have pushed it back a week. In your case you can shoot for earlier late spring northern hemisphere or later spring southern to get better diving in the regions you are looking at. Have a great time...Tom