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You might be a redneck diver if -
scubalarry54 - 7/31/2009 7:14 PM
Category: General
Replies: 2

Those that know me know I love to dive but also love to laugh:

You have a large number 3 on the front of your wetsuit instead of Mares.

Instead of velcro on your BCD you have a large metal buckle.

Instead of an octopus you have a siphon hose.

Instead of lead weights you have zip lock baggies filled with #2 shot.

If you think Jacques Cousteau is an athletic supporter made in France.

You have a gun rack on your BC.

You carry a siphon hose instead of an octopus.

You have fin marks on your living room carpet.

You use a tire gauge instead of an SPG.

Your dive knife is a Bowie knife.

Your two teeth won’t hold your regulator in very well.
Crush - 8/04/2009 11:36 AM
DC_Steve - 8/05/2009 3:04 PM

#2 shot in a baggy. What joke? That sounds like a good money-saving tip!