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Salt Water State Park is a shore accessible salt water dive site, located in Des Moines, WA. This dive site has an average rating of 3.56 out of 5 from 9 scuba divers.

If you’re looking for a relatively easy dive with great facilities and picnic areas, this is it. The smooth entry and sandy bottom takes you straight out to an interesting wreck. A wooden barge was sunk here in the early 70’s, and continues to be a refuge to a plethora of marine life. If you are new to shore diving, this is a good spot to get your feet wet! Directions: About 10 miles South of Seattle in Des Moines. At Exit 149, take 516 West. In about 2 miles, go South on Marine View Drive. You’ll hit the park in about another mile.

The first time we went here it was very nice. The walk/swim to the barge was long but not arduous, and we found lots of cool critters on and around the barge (which is more like a pile of sand with pieces of junk sticking up here and there). Lots of rockfish, nudibranchs, even a nice kelp greenling. Our second try was a disaster because we got there late and the current had picked up. We never got to a descent point because we couldn’t make any headway and got tired enough that it was dangerous. We gave it up and went to Redondo instead. Use the Narrows current predictions to get a general idea when slack is and time it as best you can, because the barge is a long way out there and you don’t want to be in a strong current on your way to or from it.


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Chiranjeev - 25 days 1 hour ago.
I went scuba diving at Saltwater State Park on 1/12/2025. The morning dive was fantastic! It involved a long walk and surface swim to the buoy, followed by a descent to 45 ft on the south-side structure. The water temperature was under 50°F (10°C).
The marine life was incredible—huge rockfish everywhere, along with plenty of lingcods, perch, and. It was high tide, and the visibility was about 20 ft.
During our afternoon dive, the current picked up significantly on the way back, making it very challenging to swim back. Unfortunately, I got a leg cramp that lasted a couple of hours after the dive. Overall, though, it was an awesome experience!
Tico - 6/13/2015 7:14 AM
I went scuba diving here on 6/12/2015. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
The outside tempeture was 75 degrees and the water temperature was 58 degrees.
Z - 4/27/2015 5:45 PM
I went scuba diving here on 4/26/2015. Average viz: Under 5ft/2m. Water temp: Under 50°F/10°C.
Awesome. Huge Rock Fish, plenty of them. Lincods, Perch, etc. 9 - 12 Concrete polls (light posts) laid over boulders.
Z - 9/11/2014 7:19 PM
I went scuba diving here on 9/6/2014. Average viz: Under 5ft/2m. Water temp: 50-55°F/10-13°C.
Dove & Surface swim up to the buoy. Call it off due to Poor visibility
scubashoppe - 3/25/2013 10:13 AM
Rating Added: 3
This is a tide sensitive spot and can be quite a hike if the tide is out. It is a state park so mind the parking passes and pay attention to the times, as the park closes early in the winter. The barge has pretty much become one with the sea floor and little pieces can be spotted if you know what you’re looking for. The life is growing well and many creatures can be seen lurking.

This is a great site as long as you plan it well!
GregScubaholic - 12/13/2012 11:34 PM
Salt Water State Park & local dive community have added substantial underwater structure in the last couple years. The marine life is really beginning to take hold. It is a good dive but long walk or swim depending on the tide.