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Scuba Articles > seawolfdiving > Educational
Undersea Exploration Undersea Exploration
seawolfdiving - 11/13/2007 7:01 PM
Interested in Undersea Exploration & Education? Check these guys out. The current mission is underway in the undersea lab "Aquarius" . Their home page is :
A word about Sharks A word about Sharks
seawolfdiving - 6/15/2007 12:00 AM
A word about Sharks So here we are again, discussing the age-old question, “…should we really be playing with the sharks…”? Though debated for years and resolved in most of the environmentally enlightened world, this issue still makes an appearance occasionally. I guess the answer to this question depends upon one’s perspective on nature and indeed on life itself. There are a few questions that a person can ask him/her self prior to engaging in such activities that may help them to make a good “...
Underwater Photography Underwater Photography
seawolfdiving - 5/16/2007 12:00 AM
One of the most popular activities that Scuba Divers choose to participate in is underwater photography. Every year, many thousands of divers go on vacation and one of the first things on their list of “things we need” is some sort of underwater camera. Sadly, many of these same folk come back from their various tropical resort destinations with little if anything to show for their investment of hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars they spent underwater photographic gear. And so they become di...
Wrecks to Reefs... Wrecks to Reefs...
seawolfdiving - 5/16/2007 12:00 AM
Is it a good idea to intentionally sink large vessels like the Spiegel Grove, the Oriskany, and soon, the Vandenberg into near costal waters in order to provide “something cool” for divers to see while they are diving? Are these huge man made structures really as good for the environment as some people would have us all believe? Can they really develop into an artificial reef for marine life? Or are we just contributing to the costal zone pollution problem? Is the intentional sinking of large mi...
Online Scuba Courses
seawolfdiving - 5/15/2007 12:00 AM
Current mood: amused Category: Sports Ok, since you asked...Here`s what I think: I think that the internet is a great "tool" for many things. It gives just about anyone almost instant access to just about any information that a person could want. It`s great for entertainment and for many educational and research purposes. And I don`t think that anyone would argue that the internet has greatly improved world wide communications. That being said, I have to say I don`t believe that the internet is ...
Underwater Equipment Exchange Underwater Equipment Exchange
seawolfdiving - 5/15/2007 12:00 AM
“Why do the Underwater Equipment Exchange” drill? Is that the question? And a very good question, indeed. At first glance, this drill may appear to be a “throw back” from times gone by. You know, from the days when scuba courses were structured more like military training programs where they wanted to train their divers to handle anything and everything that might come up. You know, where they drilled their divers in the fine art of adaptation and contingency. Heaven forbid that we expect our “D...