Book Review
Dive Like a Pro: 101 Ways to Improve your SCUBA Skills and Safety
by Robert N. Rossier
There is nothing in this book that you won`t find in your Open Water and Advanced Open Water dive manuals. So, I`d chalk the name up to puffery. I`m sure every pro does the things Rossier talks about in his book, but so do most amateurs if they`ve dived more than a few times. If you dive regurally, this book probably won`t help you. If you just finished your certification course, it`ll almost insult your intelligence.
If you dive rarely and think that a review would be a good idea, this book is EXCELLENT. It`s a fast and simple read and it`ll fit in your back pocket. You`ll find yourself remembering all the information and tips that your instructor told you would help you out. From little tips on adjusting your trim and buoyancy to information on equiment choices and maintenance. I don`t think there is a bad bit of information in this book.
If Rossier can provide all this information in 104 pages for $11.50, why are we paying $60 or more for a couple of books over 300 pages long from PADI? It can`t just be for the illustrations PADI provides for visual learners. Yes I know there is a lot of information in the manuals that isn`t in this quick review such as how to use dive tables. But books like this one do make me wonder about the "Put Another Dollar In" joke.
You can find it on Amazon of course.
http://www.amazon.com/Dive-Like-Pro-Improve-Skills/dp/0941332756/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1 /103-2697282-5679866?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1178431409&sr=8-1