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The SCUBA Beer fine rules!
Marlies-Diveoclock - 9/18/2016 10:55 PM
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Category: External Blogs
Comments: 2
The SCUBA Beer fine rules!All over the world dive instructors apply the beer fine law for common ’mistakes’ made by new divers. Beer fines are there for a reason! Can you name at least 3 suitable occasions for buying your instructor a beer?


Marlies-Diveoclock - 1/19/2017 1:26 PM
Hi Ian, great occasions! Glad your instructor noticed it in time. Thanks!
budprop - 1/19/2017 12:54 PM
1. Not putting the dust cover on the first stage following the dive.

2. Leaving a tank standing unsupported

3. (cost me a beer) Putting the tank on the BCD facing the wrong way, hooking up the regulator (din) and not noticing the problem until ready to put it on...instructor caught it before I did.