Scuba Vs. Freedive For Spearfishing
Whether you decide to scuba dive or free dive while spear fishing is completely your decision and based on many factors. It comes down to an extremely personal preference, so decide for yourself which you are comfortable with or do both! Below are a few arguments as to why the two disciplines are popular, and links to some more advanced info.
Scuba Spear Fishing
Major Benefits:
Focus On Learning Your Equipment: For the beginner, it can be extremely cumbersome to learn how to load, aim and be safe with a brand new gun. Not having to be short on air really helps you maintain your focus when doing something new. Teaching Other Spearos: The community of divers and Spearos would not be what it is without a little fatherly advice. The fact that time can be taken to learn the correct way to do things underwater and easily communicate is priceless.
Bubbles! If you are serious about hunting fish it would make sense to not expel bubbles and noises with every breath. Some smarter fish will not come close enough for you to spear! Expense: Not much to say here other than that the cost of scuba diving is pretty expensive up front! Freedive Spear Fishing
Major Benefits:
So Simple: The freedom and unity that you feel when you step into the ocean with just the basics is a very freeing experience. Health Benefits: The physical goals that you are forced to set when you begin free-diving for fish set you up to become the healthiest you have ever been. It takes a lot of planning and energy to become a great diver.
You Can’t Breathe: I don’t think there is any other way to say it! It can be frustrating when you just don’t have enough breath to get were you want to go. Risks Increase: Let’s be clear, both free diving and scuba have their risks. Free diving requires a lot of prep and mental strength and some people will find themselves in a bad place if those preps aren’t made before a dive.
Check out this cool infographic if you are still in need of some more visual stimulation.
Scuba Vs. Freedive for Spearfishing is a post from: The Spearfishing Academy