I went out an early morning with a diving club to do two dives. One of them was done at Kingston Reef. We had a lovely day with sun, 29 degrees in the air and about 23 in the water. We took a boat, because this is the only way you can get out to this siving spot. You need a map or a navigator.
The depth was about 10 meters, and the sight about 20 meters. We dived for 45 minutes and saw some colorfull fishes and corals. After a while some really big fishes turned up, I guess they were at least 0,5 meters! They swimmed together in a big group, slowly and in silence. They swimmed next to us as if we would be friends.
And then suddenly something big pasted me in a hurry! Just in front of me there was a big seal! It stayed with us for about 30 minutes, and played around with us. When I turn on my back, so did the seal.
It followed us back to the boat, and we said good bye.