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How should photos be rated on DiveBuddy?
Greg - 2/19/2013 6:40 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 31

If you are logged into DiveBuddy and you click one of the five stars on a photo, that submits your rating choice for that photo. So how should we determine a one star from a five star? Should we all try to rate based on photo quality or simply how hot a diver looks in the photo?
mkolba_ppo2 - 3/03/2013 7:59 AM
[Choose #4] +1 Kiss / and consistently.
MonkeyDiver - 2/27/2013 8:21 PM
[Choose #4] Don’t think it matters.
LatitudeAdjustment - 2/23/2013 5:16 AM
[Choose #2] We are not photo editors, my vote is more about content
RAWalker - 2/20/2013 8:35 PM
[Choose #3] Maybe a each shot should have a subjective rating and a objective rating and then have a combined score and allow us to search based on the rating or score you are interested in.
flaski - 2/19/2013 6:54 PM
[Choose #4] of course if guy rating (how good that woman makes the wetsuit look, switch around if female is rating it. If a diving picture rate how one likes.
Eric_R - 2/19/2013 3:39 PM
[Choose #4] Lets use the KISS method and let users rate it how every many stars they want.
j1mbr0wn - 2/19/2013 1:27 PM
[Choose #2] Photo quality does not matter if a picture is boring. The best, clearest, most professional picture of an apple will lose to a grainy, blurry, poorly lit picture of a shark eating an apple in my vote anyday.
Smithsgold - 2/19/2013 12:13 PM
[Choose #3] Combination of both !!!!!
BoneCrusher - 2/19/2013 9:03 AM
[Choose #3] I think a combination of both. That being said remember that everyone has their own taste and what one person finds a five star the next person may only find a two star and they don’t have to be a "photohog" to see it differently.
tardmaster - 2/19/2013 7:20 AM
[Choose #3] I think a combination of both. That being said a five-star shot should only be given to a shot that gives the viewer a true "WOW" reaction.